Caring About Patients
A Patient Focused Family Health Clinic
Caring About Patients
A Patient Focused Family Health Clinic

NextGen Services

Next Gen is the first and the only imaging center to provide state-of-the-art 3-D Breast Ultrasound in Houston. 3-D Automated Ultrasound is a “Game Changer” in the Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer.
Preventive Care

It includes counseling, and screenings test performed to check your health status.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

Recommendations on travel medicine & illnesses caused by national and international travel health.

Ketamine Infusion

Ketamine Infusion is a promising treatment that helps mental health conditions, treatment-resistant depression and anxiety.

IV Hydration

Includes pre-emptive analgesia to reduce sensitization caused by pain.

Breast Health

State-of-the-Art Diagnostics. Radiation Free Testing. No Compression. Both Breast Scanned in 20 min

Cardiovascular Health

Affect the heart & blood vessels are some of the greatest overall health problems worldwide.

We opnerate 24h a day - every day!

Call Us to regester appoitment at 1-100-200-2300

About Us

Next Gen Preventive Care is an innovative healthcare company focused on mobile health solutions and remote monitoring services. Our tech-enabled, service-based approach leverages our cloud-based infrastructure, data analytics and deep-learning capabilities to help find answers for patients and physicians.

About Us

Next Gen Preventive Care is an innovative healthcare company focused on mobile health solutions and remote monitoring services. Our tech-enabled, service-based approach leverages our cloud-based infrastructure, data analytics and deep-learning capabilities to help find answers for patients and physicians.
Who we are?
We listen closely to the needs of our customers to create revolutionary remote care technologies and services that connect patients and caregivers in a way that redefines healthcare and works without interruption to daily life.
Vision & Mission
Our vision is to be the leading innovative digital health technology and services company. We strive to raise the quality of care for patients. In addition, we constantly challenge ourselves to find novel diagnostic solutions and digital healthcare platforms that bridge chronic diseases, ultimately reducing the cost of care and improving health outcomes.
Our mission is to create a unique remote monitoring system paired with a broad portfolio of sensors, which will empower healthcare providers to see into their patient’s experience — the what and when — timely identify and accurately diagnose cardiac arrhythmias, helping prevent serious medical conditions, such as stroke.


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