Are you at risk?

Are You at a Higher Risk For Breast Cancer?

High Risk Factors for Breast Cancer are present in almost 50% of American women. Early diagnosis is key to winning the battle against breast cancer. Women at a higher risk need to follow a more aggressive cancer screening regiment. The new American Cancer Society Guild line is for healthy women that are free of any of the risk factors that are known to indicate a stronger likelihood of breast cancer. Knowing those risks and taking appropriate action will give you more peace of mind and a significant edge should you need to begin a fight against breast cancer.

Risk Factors for Breast Cancer

  • Age… 95% of Breast Cancers Start after age 45
  • Family History of Breast Cancer
  • Genetic Mutation BRCA I and BRCA II
  • Breast Density 50% of American Women Have Dense Breasts
  • Personal History Previous Cancer, Breast Lumps, etc.
  • Radiation Exposure Especially Before Age 30
  • Pregnancy Factors No Full Term Pregnancies, Pregnancy After Age 35
  • LifeStyle Risks Excessive Alcohol Consumption, Smoking, No Exercise
  • Obesity Carrying More Than 150% of Your Ideal Weight
Women Breast Cancer Support Charity Concept


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